Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A must see video of Palin supporters...


Anonymous said...

Why don't you post some of the video of Liberals physically attacking Michelle Malkin or a Fox News Reporter? Calling the people in this video "Thugs" is not only insane, but stupid! I mean the camera man was being snide and nasty yet nobody tried to harm him, threaten him or incite a riot because of his mere presence. As far as his question of "When did you first know about Obama and Palin...I would have answered I have known about John McCain since I was a kid.

Mr. Mac said...

You have talked about Obama supporters being brainwashed, it's obvious that it is the McCain/Palin supporters who have been brainwashed.

Since you requested it, I'll post the Malkin videos...and let me know at what time point in the video was she "physically attacked"...I can tell you at what NO TIME. The guy was obnoxious, loud, and the sort of liberal that often makes me cringe, but he never attacked her.

In fact, the Malkin video really focuses on ONE ranting lunatic, as opposed to the Ohio videos which focus on dozens of brainwashed knuckleheads who don't have a thought of their own...

Anonymous said...

As opposed to teaching children to sing worship Hitler, Kim Jong Il, Mao and Saddam Hussein. brainwashing there at all...just some music teacher...all "spontaneous" with the 20 person production crew that just happened to show up that just happened to be from the Obama campaign and funded by the Obama camp. Have you really become Winston Smith? "I Love Big Brother"

2+2= whatever Obama says...because in spite of the facts...Obama can make 2+2= 7 or 10 or whatever suits him...because no matter the evidence of his ties to the Socialist Party or his 20 year friendship with Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, Father Phleger, Rashid Khalidi, Khalid al-Mansour, Odinga, Tony Rezko...etc. None of it matters...somehow Obama managed to smear poop all over his body for 20+ years, but you tell me he smells like peaches and cream. I am not supposed to look at the people he called "friend" or the fact that he called Bill Ayers "Mainstream" and his Pastor not "particularly controversial" and Tony Rezko "Not the man that I knew"...before he denounced them because they were harming him politically!!!

I would have far more respect for Obama had he stuck with his, "I could no more denouce him than I could my own white grandmother". At least then he could say he was who he was...but instead we are supposed to take his word for everything....believe everything and not even question why he spent 20+ years in a church, 15+ years associating with a known domestic terrorist and getting sweetheart land deals from a guy who recieved millions in earmarks arranged by Obama.